Nicholas Dancer
AUTHOR of Day In, Day Out: The Secret Power in Showing Up and Doing the Work
Nick Dancer believes that simple things, consistently done, can produce remarkable results; that the most impactful and lasting changes in our life and work can come from small beginnings.
He’s the founder of Dancer Concrete Design, a specialty concrete finishing company that has grown to be a leader for architectural finishes in the region, and lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana with his wife and three boys.
Dancer is the author of the book, Day In, Day Out. Sharing stories from his experiences growing a small business, husband, and father, Nick helps you see that skipping steps has never worked. The book enables you to find your way back to the basics and rediscover that doing the simple things Day In, Day Out, puts you on the path to greatness in work and life. Author, Derek Siver’s praised with, “Great insight and inspiring little bite-sized snippets of life and business wisdom.”